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Bina is an intelligent ERP system for managing a business from start to finish is implemented on the web.

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Bina software is a SaaS based web application. It is an intelligent ERP system for managing a business from start to finish. Its existing system covers 700 clients. This project covers all types of businesses like Printing and publishing, Ambulances, Customer service providers, Manufacturing plants of all kinds, etc. This is the new version of an existing system on the web. Bina software offers various kinds of features like sales, purchasing, customer relations, accounting, service management, etc. This system will print, preview, and download all the reports and send it into mail.

In the first phase, We were setting up the project structure for both front-tnd and back-end. Apart from that, we implemented a multi-tenant system from both sides and set up role based authentication and login as well as implemented company, employees, Auxiliary table, and customer CRUD functionality. In the second stage, we implemented suppliers, items, and quotations CRUD functionality. In the third stage, we implemented activity log, orders, and delivery Note functionality. In the fourth stage, we implemented invoice, receipts, deposit, and credit invoice functionality. Currently we are working on the fifth stage of the project. In this stage we are working on a bookkeeping module which is connected with all other modules like invoices, credit invoices, deposits. This is the complex part of the system.

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