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SIDF (Tamkeen)

SIDF was established in 1974 as a government financial institution to realize the objectives, policies, and programs of industrial development in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF) was founded to play a leading role in effectuating development policies and programs. This vision recognizes SIDF as the primary financial enabler for the industrial transformation in Saudi Arabia.

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This is a CRM to manage end to end processing of all the loans and projects. The Objective of the project is to provide a tool for SIDF Internal use for the end to end processing of loans In this application according to the role assigned user can register new loan inside a project and can manage its disbursement, risk assesment, loan review, repayment etc. For this the project has been divided in to various Modules

– Inbox
– Dashboard
– Amendment
– Disbursement
– Communication
– Project
– Coniditions
– Security
– Reports
– Loan Review Report
– SafeKeeping
– Sector Management
– Credit Risk
– Afad Summary
– Opinion
– Notification
– Repayment Schedule
– User
– SIDF Eligibility Criteria
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